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Bedroom Layout Tips: Room Design for Better Sleep


How you design and lay out your bedroom has to do with more than how it looks. In fact, some experts say the way you arrange your bedroom can affect everything from how our day goes to how you feel emotionally (and even how well you sleep).

By following some of these simple bedroom layout tips and tricks, you can help bring balance and energy into your bedroom to get better rest and overall, improve your life.

Follow the principles of Feng Shui in the bedroom

The Chinese principles of Feng Shui emphasize balance and energy—two principles that can help you de-stress and relax your mind and body, especially when it comes to your bedroom.

Make your bed the heart of your room

Feng Shui tells us the bed should have the “command” position in the room. That makes sense, right? Resting and actually sleeping are the most important things you do in your room, so it makes sense that your bed should be the focus.

According to Feng Shui, the best place for our bed is diagonally opposite of your bedroom door, with a flat wall behind the headboard.

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In other words, place your bed against the opposite wall of the wall your bedroom door is on, just not directly opposite the door. (You don't want to be able to lay in bed and look directly out of your bedroom into the hallway.) Not sure if you've set it up right? Imagine a line between your footboard or bottom of your bed and your door, it should be diagonal.

Why? The thought behind this principle is this: we gain energy when we rest and if our footboard is directly across from our door, all the energy we generate as we sleep can float right out of the room. By having your bed diagonally from your door, you keep our energy.

Feng Shui also tells us we should "ground" our beds. To do this, create balance around the bed. A nightstand on either side of the bed checks this box, creating. (The nightstands don’t have to be identical!) Another way to ground our beds is to put a wide rug under the bed. Again, this helps position your bed as the most important thing in the room (as well as being soft and cozy beneath your feet when you get in and out of bed).

Strategically place the next biggest thing in the room

Most likely, the second biggest thing in your bedroom is a chest of drawers or vanity. Feng Shui says to create balance in the bedroom, the second biggest piece of furniture should be placed opposite the bed. So, place your chest of drawers, desk, vanity, chaise, sofa, etc. against the wall across from your bed.

Improve the air quality in your bedroom

According to Feng Shui, the best kind of air for our hearts, minds and bodies is natural air. When weather permits, try leaving your bedroom windows open and letting fresh air in.

When your window is not open, try a fan to get the air circulating and keep a few plants in your space to improve the air quality in your bedroom. You can also try natural oils in scents that promote good health, like peppermint or orange for a boost of energy in the morning and lavender for a sense of calm before bed. Scented candles in earthy scents like birchwood, vanilla and cinnamon are also great scents for the bedroom.

Choose a Feng Shui bedroom color scheme

Feng shui expert Rodika Tchi tells us, “A beautiful, harmonious space can elevate, nourish and heal you.”

Certain colors have psychological effects on your mind and body, so it's important to choose the right colors for your bedroom.

  • Earth tones (from deep chocolate browns to light, sandy tones) are best for helping us feel grounded and one with nature,
  • Colors like red, pink, magenta, coral orange and lavender remind us that we have love in our lives.

Tchi recommends mixing in some of these more “romantic touches” with earthy tones in the bedroom for the perfect color scheme.

“Bring only art that makes you happy and inspired, use comfortable, natural bedding and have either candles or dimmer switches to keep the energy soft and nourishing,” Tchi says.

Choose soft, natural lighting

According to the Feng Shui and some of the ideas of hygge, you should choose natural, soft lighting in your room. Overhead lights can be harsh, especially in a bedroom. For a calming overall feel, choose softer lighting like table lamps and bring in natural light when you can, from windows, candles or a fireplace. These types of lights can help you relax and de-stress.

De-clutter your bedroom

Clutter, mess and chaos in the bedroom resonate in our minds and our bodies, causing our stress levels to rise, which is the opposite of what you want when it comes to sleep. By de-cluttering your bedroom and getting organized, you can calm your mind and ultimately, get better rest.

Try storage bins, drawer organizers and Marie-Kondo-ing your space. Keep what serves you and say goodbye to things that are just taking up space. (De-cluttering can also bring hygge to your space!)

It's time you started getting the sleep you need. Upgrade your sleep today (we're here to help!).