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Leesa's Scientific Advisor: Professor Paul Gringras, MD


Paul Gringas Bio Photo

Professor Paul Gringras, MD, works in the Lifespan Sleep Group based at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ hospital in London. He’s a professor of sleep medicine at Kings College London. Prof. Gringras has published many papers and contributed to several books, and he’s even designed and written content for several sleep apps. But Prof. Gringras is proud that his focus remains on his patients, who come to him with complex sleep disorders every day.

Prof. Gringras is Leesa’s scientific advisor and is dedicated to supporting Leesa customers with the latest evidence-based information about sleep and its impact on wellbeing. Keep an eye out for his posts on the Leesa blog.


Sleep is a fascinating and rapidly evolving area of research. Because new research findings come out on a daily basis, make sure you check back often for the latest information.

Although Professor Gringras always tries to be comprehensive and accurate, his posts on the Leesa blog express his personal views based on both the newest research and decades of experience treating patients with sleep disorders. Please keep in mind that this is general information and it does not, in any way, replace advice from your own health care professional.