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Survey Shows Canucks Willing to Skip Showers for Shut-Eye


Canadians will give up breakfast, coffee, and even personal hygiene for more sleep.

Toronto, ON – April 18, 2016 –  Canadian snooze buttons may be getting a workout, but their owners are not. According to a recent national survey conducted for Leesa Sleep, exercise is the morning routine Canadians were most willing to ditch in favour of sleeping in a bit more. The sleep-in survey also found that Canadians were willing to sacrifice breakfast, coffee, and even some personal hygiene for a few extra winks.

Canadians are willing to sacrifice healthy morning rituals for a little more sleep.

  • 21.7% of Canadians would forgo their morning exercise routines to stay in bed
  • 20.6% said they would skip breakfast for more shut-eye
  • 20.6% of Canadian men would skip shaving for more sleep
  • 11% of respondents said they could do without their morning coffee
  • 10.2% would give up showering for more sleep

Canada Snooze Button Photo

Overall Breakdown


  • English Quebecers were the most likely to bypass breakfast for more sleep (26%)
  • Ontarians were least likely to skip their morning meal (17.8%)


  • BC residents chose workouts over more winks (18.8%)


  • 16.9% of Atlantic Canadians covet catnaps over coffee
  • Only 8.6% of BC residents would part with their morning brew


  • English Quebecers were the least likely to skip showers for sleep (4%)
  • BC residents were most likely to skip their morning shower for a few more winks (13.7%)

Canadians Creatively Justify Hitting the Snooze Button

  • 59.7% of respondents regularly defied their alarm because their “bed is too warm and comfortable to leave”
  • 32.5% of respondents blamed illness for lingering in bed while another 32.5% claimed, “if eight hours of sleep is good, then ten must be better.”
  • Other excuses included, “my alarm clock is a liar”, “my boss wants me to focus – so I focus on sleep”, and “somewhere there is a time zone where it’s still reasonable for me to be in bed”.

Canadians May be Sleepy, But They’re Honest.

When asked “If you were late for work because you slept in, would you tell your boss?”

  • 70.8% of respondents said they’d come clean right away
  • 15.8% of respondents said they would try to avoid their boss
  • 13.5% said they would come up with an elaborate story to excuse their tardiness
  • Age seemed to impact honesty: 80% of respondents aged over 55 would come clean to their boss right away compared to 58.8% of respondents aged 18-24

Canadians Weigh In on What Makes a Good Sleep

  • A majority (61.9%) of respondents believed that having a comfortable bed was the most important factor in getting a good night’s sleep.
  • The right pillow and comfortable room temperature were also considered important with 52% of respondents in favour of each.

“Studies show a good sleep improves our productivity at work and general morale, but regularly skipping breakfast, exercise or personal hygiene for a few more minutes of sleep is not a good plan,” said David Wolfe Co-Founder and CEO of Leesa Sleep. “If you do find yourself hitting the snooze button too often, perhaps you aren’t sleeping properly and should investigate the reasons why.”

About Leesa

Leesa is an online mattress company that has helped people sleep better since 2015. Using the highest quality materials, Leesa meticulously designs and assembles their mattresses in America for exceptional comfort and support. When you buy a Leesa mattress, you are pursuing better sleep for yourself as well as others. Leesa has donated more than 41,000 new mattresses to people in need through nonprofit partners across the U.S. For more information, visit www.leesa.com.

Leesa is one of the top grossing online stores on Shopify, a leading cloud-based e-commerce platform headquartered in Canada. Leesa was also recently named a winner of Shopify’s prestigious Build a Business Competition.
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About the Survey:
The Google survey polled more than 1,000 respondents across the general population of Canada on the Google Consumer Surveys publisher network. The online survey was conducted on April 8, 2016.

Patrick McCaully
Pointman! Public Relations
416-855-9427 x-301